MORE Awesome Updates Coming Soon?

Hello heroes! Lately I've received an email from Paul Gray containing loads of new content-- only shared here. Here are some quotes from him of some EPIC updates that will be coming in the near future!

The Jungle Planet is just about to get a massive update with more places to explore and games to play. We’re only just getting started too! Later this year we’ll be opening up the Ocean Planet and Snow Resort Planet and who knows what the future might hold… maybe wormholes will open up to entire new galaxies??? Oh… and have you heard we’re working on Space Heroes cartoons?
That Jungle Planet update sounds awesome! More fun and features for everyone! Not only that, but the places I've been waiting to explore : Ocean and Snow Resort Planet, are going to be opening! Wormholes opening NEW GALAXIES? Sounds out of this world! Not only that, but the cartoon idea sounds creative! I can't wait to read those comics! That's all for now! Keeping you always updated, Astronomical is signing off!

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